PTA Frequently Asked Questions

How do I contact a pta board member or event chair?

PTA Board Officers
Event Chairs
Contact the PTA
PTA Email Addresses

How do I submit to BearFacts?
How do I request a Robocall?

Communications Policies and Procedures

How do I request reimbursement from the PTA?
How do I deposit money to the PtA?

Requesting Reimbursement from the PTA / Depositing Money to the PTA

How do I handle insurance or permits for PTA Events?

Insurance Certificates
Knight’s Insurance Loss & Prevention Guide

Facilities Permits
Permit Instructions

What is the PTA EIN number? How do I prove tax-exempt status?

Letters proving tax-exempt status
PTA EIN Number:  23-7009171
PTA Unit ID: 3285
Emerson PTA founding date: 1/14/1948

How do I set up a PTA Event?

Green Guidelines for PTA events
Tips for planning events & event clean-up
Childcare at PTA meetings